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Featured Book

Do you look at nature and see God?
Do you marvel at creation?

Ruby Tobey does, and in this book, she expresses it with verses (scribbles) and drawings (sketches). Ruby writes about nature, family, flowers, and everyday happenings. Each thought is accompanied with an inspiring scripture and her black-and-white sketches. You will find new appreciation for God in her writing as well as enjoy her many drawings.

Kansas artist Ruby Tobey started writing short verses to accompany her black and white sketches. While she was raising 3 children the family often traveled in an old school bus camper and she filled many sketch books with ideas. She feels that her greatest blessing is the husband who patiently waited while she wrote notes and drew pictures.

โ€œYou often express what I feel,(and wish Iโ€™d said thatโ€).
Jane Bowenโ€”Georgia

โ€œI certainly enjoy your work, your devotionals, and poems. Thank you for sharing Godโ€™s gift He has given you.โ€
Ruth Thompsonโ€”Oklahoma

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